Dr. Arturo Valdez

Dr Arturo Valdez

Highly qualified plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgeon. Recognized member of multiple prestigious institutions, with more than 3,000 surgeries successfully performed through his 16 years of experience.

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The Aesthetic Society

Is the leading organization that specializes in education and advancement of plastic and aesthetic surgery of face and body, recognized worldwide.

All members of TAS (The Aesthetic Society), must undergo a rigorous selection process for admission; their members work under a strict ethical code, have a high commitment to their patients and they are in constant specialized training. Having worldwide highly class surgeons, they are part of such a prestigious association that is always at the forefront of innovation in plastic and aesthetic surgery procedures around the world.


It is the largest organization in the world that specializes in plastic surgery. Founded in 1931, it represents 94% of all certified plastic surgeons in the US, and more than eight thousand plastic surgeons around the world, making ASPS a global institution and a leading authority in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery.The mission of ASPS is to advance quality care for plastic surgery patients promoting high standards of training, ethics, medical practice and research in plastic surgery.
The organization is a strong advocate for patient safety and requires that all its members operate in accredited surgical facilities that have undergone a rigorous external review of the equipment and medical staff.


Organization formed by the best surgeons who specialize in nasal surgery (Rhinoplasty). The TRS (The Rhinoplasty Society) is the largest international organization dedicated to the research and education of surgeons interested in functional and cosmetic nasal surgery.
Only the most respected surgeons in the world are members of the TRS. Dr. Valdez is one of the four active members in Mexico; he is constantly dedicating effort and education to the quality improvement of nasal surgery.


Founded in 1970, the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery has been committed to the safety of patients in plastic and aesthetic surgery all over the world.ISAPS requires all members to maintain active membership in the National Society of Plastic Surgery in the country where they practice medicine.
To be a member, you must be sponsored by two active or lifetime members of ISAPS and must meet a rigorous review process, which includes a seven-year practice history beyond graduating medical school.


Mexican Association of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery. This organization groups all the certified plastic surgeons of the country. Its main function is to promote academic growth and continuing medical education of its members through courses, national and international congresses, and workshops.The academic requirement and the desire for constant improvement of AMCPER members are the two factors that have positioned, for years, Mexican plastic surgery as one of the three most recognized worldwide.


The Mexican Council of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery is the organization that certifies plastic surgeons once they have completed their specialty studies. It is necessary to comply with constant training through congresses, courses, teaching and medical publications. These requirements are mandatory to be able to renew, every 5 years, the certificate issued by the institution.

Cosmetic and Restorative Plastic Surgery.

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